our focus


BULD seeks to bridge the opportunity gap by bringing technology to children and youth. Special focus will be on girls who show potential in coding. BULD will focus on providing free computer science programming through free extracurricular programs to girls ages 12-18 from disadvantage communities both locally and globally.

BULD will engage technology companies to provide students with devices that will assist in developing their skills. BULD will network with organizations such as churches to provide space as well as assist with the equipping of children and youth for this educational activity.


It is important to not only focus on the academic development of youth and children but to include opportunities and access to programs that will serve students with social and emotional interventions both inside and outside of school.

The need to uplift children and youth through a holistic education is so great. It is much greater in developing countries. BULD will work with organizations such as churches in countries where the need seems to be greatest to provide accessibility to and opportunities for holistic education.